Mobile Dog &
Cat Grooming Services

Dandy Dog Mobile Dog Grooming Services
Dog Grooming Services

Our Basic Service Includes:

Dipping Is Extra

The Dip is a Warm tick/flea pour over dip for dogs (NOT Livestock!) and only done if requested and/or should we find ticks and/or Fleas on your dog/s. We prefer not to use dip as it is generally hard on dogs’ skins and coats and the environment tends to suffer the most. For alternatives we suggest Frontline, Bravecto or Preventic collars.

What To Expect

Our Mobile Dog Grooming Parlours are specifically designed to cater for all sizes of dogs from tiny teacup Yorkies to Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds.

Each van is fully equipped with everything you would find in a static parlour as well as a gas geyser to ensure that dogs get a nice warm bath. Especially in the Winter!!

Our expert staff will groom and style your dog according to breed standard. We do also offer stripping for the summer heat and extra conditioning for those coats that need it.

We do blow-dry most dogs – even short coated dogs in order to blast out as much of the excess hair as possible – but sometimes (as is the case with our own latest rescue dog) they just HATE the blow-dryer and tend never to get used to it, so we have to just give them the very best towel dry possible rather than stress them out unnecessarily by forcing them to endure something they hate.

What Do We Need From You?


An electrical plug connection (to run the dryers and clippers)


A garden tap for fresh water (this runs through our gas geyser heating it instantly)


One towel per small dog & two per med/large (to ensure that no skin conditions are passed from home to home)

What Our Clients Say

Too busy to take your dog in for grooming?

It's okay! We'll come to you!